Founder's Day Parade of Love



Founder's Day

Parade of Love!

Date: July 5, 2020
Arrival Time: 10:30 am


1. Upon arrival please pay close attention to the directions given by
those directing traffic in parking lot. The number of vehicles will
require everyone to stay on course and this will expedite the process
of honoring Apostle and Mrs. Carolyn.

2. Louisiana is in Phase 2, which means Word of Life Christian Center is
following the guidelines of Social Distancing. Please remain in your
cars unless you are decorating your car for the parade.


3. What is allowed for decorations? Posters, banners, pictures,
balloons, etc.


4. There will be a box to place your seeds for Founder’s Day.

You may have given online! And thats great!  We just want to see your faces!


Click Here To Register!!!!


****If you want to announce your gift during our virtual Campmeeting services

Click HERE to record your video.