Leroy Thompson Ministerial Alliance
Lighting the Torches of Ministries Around the World




The mission statement is "Changing the lives of Ministers with the Word of God!"  Leroy Thompson Ministerial Alliance (LTMA) is an interdenominational alliance of ministries and ministers dedicated to lighting the torch of ministries around the world by celebrating the biblical virtues of Consecration, Sanctification, and Dedication.


LTMA’s strength is centered on apostolic government that functions through a unique concept called the Circle of Vision.  There are twelve Master Vision Bearers (MVBs) who surround the Visionary and Apostle, Dr. Leroy Thompson, Sr. These twelve will hear directly from Dr. Thompson and relay these signals to the membership at large who are placed in Circles of Vision led by MVBs. The Master Vision Bearers can handle the most basic issues, while the most complex issues can be referred to Dr. Thompson.


LTMA is knit together by a series of tele-conference calls.  LTMA holds a monthly Visionary Impartation conference call so that Apostle Thompson can address and impart into the membership on a monthly basis. In addition, each Circle of Vision holds a monthly conference call for alignment and action.


LTMA facilitates the duplication of Apostle Thompson’s ministerial characteristics into other like-spirited ministers in terms of wisdom, anointing, and wealth. LTMA is truly “lighting the torch of ministries around the world.” Ministers can connect by covenant in which he is a spiritual father.  This two-way relationship of giving and receiving establishes Apostolic Government, provides oversight, and assures the progress and success of the individual minister, ministry and LTMA as whole. 



The requirements for membership into LTMA are listed below.


- Must be called into one of the five fold ministry gifts (Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist).

- Must lead a life of Holiness.

- While you do not have to have an ordination and license, it will help in your application process.



LTMA has a 2 step application process.  It includes an application and interview process.  The first step is to complete an application. You can receive an application by mail or email.  You can receive a physical application by calling 225-473-8874 and request an LTMA application or click here to receive a digital application (link is also located below & at the top of the page).  Once the application along with references are received, you will receive the LTMA Code of Ethics.  Once you have completed reading the LTMA Code of Ethics and submitted a summary of what you read, an interview will be scheduled with our interview team, which consists of Master Vision Bearers.  After the interview, you will be contacted upon your acceptance or denial.